SIACH - independent medical community founded in 2007 by Giuseppe Garo MD


The spirit of its founding

The study of anatomy has always been the essential basis for a correct exercise of medicine and surgery: in particular is fundamental a thorough knowledge of surgical and radiological anatomy, which represent the necessary link between the residents training programs and the daily clinical practice and surgery. Our courses constitute the essence of the philosophy that is the basis of the spirit of SIACH founding: to promote and organize events of updating and training, at the highest level, for MD, specialists and / or residents, and Dentists . Since its foundation, SIACH is cutting edge in the field of surgical anatomy courses.

                                                                                                                                                                    Prof. Giuseppe Garo, MD































SIACH - comunità medica indipendente fondata nel 2007 dal Dr. Giuseppe Garo


Lo spirito della sua fondazione

Lo studio dell’anatomia costituisce da sempre la base essenziale per un corretto esercizio della medicina e della chirurgia: in particolare è fondamentale una conoscenza approfondita dell’anatomia chirurgica e radiologica, che rappresentano quel necessario anello di congiunzione tra la formazione specialistica universitaria e la quotidiana pratica clinica e chirurgica. I nostri corsi costituiscono l’essenza stessa della filosofia che è alla base dello spirito della fondazione della SIACH: promuovere e organizzare eventi di aggiornamento e formazione ad altissimo livello per Medici, specialisti e/o specializzandi, e Odontoiatri. Dalla sua fondazione la SIACH è all’avanguardia nel campo dei corsi di anatomia chirurgica.

                                                                                                                                                                             Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Garo




































                       SIACH and Otology Today


      Course   “ENT Surgery”  Cluj Napoca, 12-17/03/07




1    Course   “Surgery of the Neck”   Nice, 27-29/03/08


2    Course   “Surgery of the Nose”  Nice, 26-28/06/08


3    Course   “Maxillo-Facial Surgery”  Nice, 11-13/12/08


4    Course   “Surgery of the Ear”   Nice, 25-27/05/09


5    Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 02-04/06/09


6    Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 10-12/12/09


7    Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 18-20/02/10


8    Course   “Maxillo-Facial Surgery”  Nice, 25-27/02/10


9    Course   “Surgery of the Nose”  Paris, 10-12/05/10


10  Course   “Anterior Skull Base”   Paris, 16-18/06/10


11  Course   “Aesthetics of the Face”  Nice, 26-28/11/10


12  Course   “Hair Restoration Surgery”  Nice, 02-04/12/10


13  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 19-21/05/11


14  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 01-03/12/11


15  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 23-25/02/12


16  Course   “Hair Restoration Surgery”  Nice, 01-03/03/12


17  Course   "Skull Base Surgery" Coventry, 20-22/03/12


18  Course   “Skull Base Surgery”  Nice, 27-29/06/12


19  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 13-15/12/12


20  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 27-29/02/13


21  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 10-12/12/13


22  Course   “Rhinoseptoplasty” Nice, 12-13/12/13


23  Course   “Hair Restoration Surgery” Nice, 12-13/12/13


24  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Messina, 23-25/06/14


25  Course   “Dental Surgery” Messina, 25/06/14


26  Course   “Rhinoseptoplasty” Messina, 25-26/06/14


27  Course   “Surgery of the Ear” Messina, 26-28/06/14


28  Course   "Surgery of the Nose" Torino, 18-20/09/14


29  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty" Torino, 20-21/09/14


30  Course   "Surgery of the Ear" Torino, 24-25/10/14


31  Course   “Surgery of the Nose” Nice, 02-04/12/14


32  Course   “Rhinoseptoplasty” Nice, 04/12/14


33  Course   “Hair Restoration Surgery” Nice, 05/12/14


34  Course   “Dacryocystorhinostomy” Milano, 22-23/01/15


35  Course   “Facial Nerve Surgery” Milano, 23-24/01/15


36  Course   "Surgery of the Nose" Nice, 29/06-01/07/15


37  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty" Nice, 01/07/15


38  Course   "Aesthetics of the Face" Paris, 4-5/11/15


39  Course   "Surgery of the Neck" Paris, 5-7/11/15


40  Course   "Surgery of the Nose" Nice, 1-3/12/15


41  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty" Nice, 3/12/15


42  Course   "Hair Restoration Surgery" Nice, 3-4/12/15


43  Course   "Dental Surgery" Napoli, 13/06/16


44  Course   "Surgery of the Nose" Napoli, 13-15/06/16


45  Course   "Facial Nerve Surgery" Napoli, 15-16/06/16


46  Course   "Surgery of the Ear" Napoli, 16-17/06/16


47  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty Advanced" Napoli, 14-17/06/16


48  Course   "Aesthetics of the Face" Napoli, 21/10/16


49  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty"  Nice, 29-30/11/16


50  Course   "Hair Restoration Surgery"  Nice, 1-2/12/16


51  Course   "Rhinoplasty" Barcelona, 4-5/04/17


52  Course   “Skull Base Surgery”  Barcelona, 6-7/04/17


53  Course   "Aesthetics of the Face"  Napoli, 27/04/17


54  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty"  Napoli, 2-3/05/17


55  Course   "Aesthetics of the Face"  Foggia, 4-5/06/17


56  Course   "Surgery of the Nose"  Foggia, 5-6/06/17


57  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty"  Foggia, 7/06/17


58  Course   "Surgery of the Ear"  Foggia, 8-9/06/17


59  Course   "Surgery of the Neck"  Foggia, 9-10/06/17


60  Course   "Dental Surgery"  Foggia, 15-16/06/17


61  Course   "Surgery of the Neck"  Palermo, 9/10/17


62  Course   "Surgery of the Nose"  Palermo, 10/10/17


63  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty"  Palermo, 11/10/17


64  Course   "Surgery of the Ear"  Palermo,  12-13/10/17


65  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty"   Nice,  30/11/17


66  Course   "Hair Restoration Surgery"  Nice, 30/11-1/12/17


67  Course   "Surgery of the Face"  Nice, 1/12/17


68  Course   "Surgery of the Neck"  Nice, 8-9/07/18


69  Course   "Hair Restoration Surgery"  Roma, 4-6/10/18


70  Course   "Hair Restoration Surgery"  Palermo, 16-17/11/18


71  Course   "Aesthetics of the Face"  Palermo, 18-19/11/18


72  Course   "Surgery of the Neck"  Palermo, 20/11/18


73  Course   "Surgery of the Nose"  Palermo, 21/11/18


74  Course   "Rhinoseptoplasty"  Palermo, 22/11/18




          SIACH and Guglielmo Marconi University



 Corso di Alta Formazione - AA 2016 / 2017

 "Dermopigmentazione del Cuoio Capelluto"


 Corso di Alta Formazione - AA 2018 / 2019

 "Scienze Tricologiche e Chirurgia della Calvizie"


 Video Corso Internazionale - AA 2019 / 2020

 "Anatomia Chirurgica e Topografica Testa Collo"




          SIACH and Giustino Fortunato University


 Master di 1° livello - AA 2023 / 2024

 "Deglutologia Geriatrica"





















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